Mobility services

Our ambition: support mobility operators in meeting peoples’ needs and create customized mobility which respects people, resources and regions

Our local operational teams’ mobility services design and implementation expertise assists you in improving the quality of your services offer and creating maximum customer satisfaction.

Mobility Services:
a range of business expertise

Mobility Services: a range of business expertise

Our specialists’ expertise makes the travel experience safe, every day.

Our specialists’ expertise makes the travel experience safe, every day.

Remote customer relations

The Mobility Services teams inform and assist passengers remotely from our 13 multi-channel customer service centers in France.

Road Mobility and multimodal hubs

We guarantee an efficient bus road mobility offer with our 11 Transport Command Stations and the management of 17 bus stations.

Read more about our bus station offer

Passenger surveys

A total of 500 agents gather passenger feedback to improve understanding of mobility expectations and needs.

Our mobility consultants provide you
with daily support for your strategic ideas
and operational projects

Our mobility consultants provide you with daily support for your strategic ideas and operational projects

Our specialists are implanted in 16 agencies throughout France and excel in their disciplines to guarantee the success of your projects:

Our specialists are implanted in 16 agencies throughout France and excel in their disciplines to guarantee the success of your projects:

Technical advisors, coaches and multi-channel mobility sales reps are available 24/7 to help passengers with their travel plans.

Technical specialist support for ticketing, passenger information, driverless shuttles and bus shelters – for safe, daily operations.

Production managers specialized in creating and monitoring bus and coach transport maps for large groups of passengers, and organizing unexpected road transport management alternatives for major sporting events. We also collaborate with bus station operational specialists.

Multi-channel mobility surveyors to gather passenger feedback and better understand mobility expectations and needs.


Did you know ?

The Mobility Services department is ISO 9001 certified for Quality; a guarantee of Kisio’s ongoing quest for efficiency and customer satisfaction.
94,7 %

satisfied and highly
satisfied customers

+3 M

calls handled
per year

+ 250


700 000

on-demand transport
reserved per year

A tried-and-tested approach

A tried-and-tested approach

Our teams’ multi-business activity, multi-transport and multi-technology approach
increases performance and customer satisfaction by guaranteeing
higher quality mobility services for your passengers.

Our teams’ multi-business activity, multi-transport and multi-technology approach increases performance and customer satisfaction by guaranteeing higher quality mobility services for your passengers.

étude et conseils

Support for your
key challenges

Support for your key challenges

Read more about mobility needs

Contact our experts

Send us your contact details and our teams will contact you to discuss your projects and answer your questions.

    Surname and first name*
    Email address*
    * required fields

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