Adopt an open Mobility as a Service model

Between traffic jams, environmental pollution and the car culture, how can people be encouraged to change how they travel?

Besides technology and applications, Mobility As A Service (MAAS) is an innovative mobility approach which makes life easier for passengers.
The increase in public/private modes of regional transport, the wide range of transport tickets, and problems generated by solo driving can all be dealt with via MAAS, and its services.
The first step is to give passengers a clear overview of the range of mobility services on offer in their region. And, at Kisio, we go one step further in providing a customized service, and human support, which includes all public transport and shared mobility solutions.

The keys to a
successful transformation

The keys to a successful transformation

How can I start up a MAAS program for my city? How can we compete with privately-owned
cars and improve the travel experience?
How can we combine public and private transport offers?

Kisio’s MaaS

Kisio’s MaaS

Kisio has been a trusted Public Transport Authority, and transport operator
partner in France and overseas for over 20 years. We help numerous cities
to switch to MAAS through customized solutions per region.

Kisio has been a trusted Public Transport Authority, and transport operator partner in France and overseas for over 20 years. We help numerous cities to switch to MAAS through customized solutions per region.

Data for MaaS

Algorithms are essential to mobility planning. MAAS is designed to facilitate intermodality between different modes of transport and offers a larger choice of transport modes, routes and services. The rise in transport choices will create increasingly less predictable passenger behavior. Kisio’s first GPS data analysis confirms the vast potential to understand and shape tomorrow’s mobility.

Similarly, modeling transit areas in a standardized data format will enable route planners to refine navigation information in stations and thus improve the passenger experience, according to their needs.

Navitia Mobility Platfrom

Kisio’s “Navitia Mobility Platform” conceals the complexity of integrating various technologies and infrastructures to offer the best travel experience.

The platform was specifically devised to meet Public Transport Authority and transport operator needs through:

  • Providing scalable and customized strategies and offers
  • A service-independent and open architecture to encourage interconnections with third-party systems
  • Analytics to improve how you understand your passengers’ behavior

Offer your passengers a simple route planner, purchasing and payment solution!

Service transformation

MAAS is a comprehensive experience which combines technologies and services which cover the entire trip.

All trip stages must be customized and adapted to each passenger profile. We guarantee this through:

  • Coordinating regional public/private stakeholders to provide the best transport offer
  • Providing operators with consistent services
  • In-station human contact points, by telephone or on social networks

An essential range of passenger services through which Public Transport Authorities and transport operators can develop a privileged relationship with their passengers.

Our partnerships

Mastercard improves travel throughout the world by collaborating with over 150 international cities. The Kisio-Mastercard partnership combines Mastercard’s payment and security technologies with our route planner and fare calculation platform to create mobile solutions for all.

Kisio recently joined City Possible, a Mastercard initiative to encourage new types of partnerships for increasingly inclusive and sustainable cities.

Together, we are ready to meet the next mobility challenge by jointly creating “Mobility As A Service” options.

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